Case of Studies
"Do you know which countries have invested the most in exploration in the last five years?
Chapter 3: Benefits of CIOs in the Mining Industry and Recommendations for Successful Implementation.
Chapter 2: Implementation of Integrated Operations Centers in Various Industrial Sectors.
Chapter 1: An Introduction to Integrated Operations Centers.
Analysis of the Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of Cloud Computing from the Perspective of the Flexibility Gains It Offers and the Security Risks It Entails
The race to clean up one of the planet's dirtiest industries, the steel industry, must start now if we aim to reduce our impact and avoid a climate disaster
Digitalization of Monitoring Processes in Argentine Patagonia (Case 5)
Increase in Production Capacity without Technological Systems (Case 4)
3D Modeling of a Coal Mine Slurry Pond (Case N3)
Technical and Financial Analysis. Increased Productivity and Cost Reduction (Case N2)
Through the analysis by MiningiDEAS, a Chilean mining company increases production (Case N1)
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